Country Queer

Lifting up LGBTQ+ voices in country and Americana.

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Exclusive: Jaimee Harris Releases Acoustic “Creatures” With Video

Folk’n’Roller’s Re-worked Tune Gets a Halloween Treatment

Back in February, Jaimee Harris announced a project called “The Congress House Sessions,” a collection of semi-live, acoustic versions of seven songs from her 2018 breakout album Red Rescue.

Today – exclusively at Country Queer – you can hear the first fruits of this project, a gorgeously reworked “Creatures,” delivered in an eerie vampire-themed video directed by Sloane and Felix Lenz, of the Austin band Lord Friday the 13th. (“Gender bending glam awesomeness.”)

On the song’s origins, Harris says, “I have a very vivid memory of when I started writing this song. I was turning onto I-35 South from near Airport Blvd. in Austin, Texas. Out of nowhere, the chorus came into my head. I reached for my phone and very illegally began singing the chorus into my voice memos while driving.”

All she had was the chorus, though. What did the song want to be about? Then it struck her. “Many years ago, I had a brief fling with someone who was convinced they were a vampire. Like, a real vampire. At the time I was like, ‘Whoa, I’m young and just moved to the big city and that is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard and I’m intrigued — how much do you actually believe this?’ Sure enough, the daytime to the nighttime transformation of this person was intense.”

And the inspiration for the video? “As Halloween 2020 approached, a vision of a simple, Bela Lugosi vampire video played in my head. Sloane Lenz has designed a couple of pieces of custom stage wear for me over the years, but I’ve been waiting for the right time to work with her and Felix for a music video. The only direction I gave them was ‘Bela Lugosi vibes’ and they nailed it! They are two of the most creative and kindest people I know and it was an absolute thrill to work with them on this video.”


A Honky-Tonk of Our Own

Keep an eye on for a release date for “The Congress House Sessions.”