CQ Presents “Queer From Here,” Pt.5: Aaron Lee Tasjan
By Lauren Tabak & Aaron Lee Tasjan
Welcome back to Lauren Tabak’s “Queer From Here” series, in which Tabak has photographed some of the faces of Country Queer, continuing today with country-pop singer-songwriter and record producer, Aaron Lee Tasjan.
Be sure to read our interview with the photographer where she discusses the genesis for this series, which she refers to as “…an archive of modern queer identity that explores what it’s like to be queer here & now.”
For all our #queerfromhere posts, click here.
Aaron Lee Tasjan, 35 • He/Him • Nashville, TN
I’m not sure if I have a gay face? People in my life do tell me they were always aware of my queerness before I came out to them, so maybe there’s something about me that gives it away? Whatever it is, I am proud of it.
Understanding my bisexuality took a long time. At first, I thought I was probably gay and sometimes tried to deny it by dating women. But as time went on, I came to understand how I felt happy dating a man or dating a woman. As I’ve continued to learn about who I am, I’ve learned that bisexual people like me are 3 times less likely to be out to friends and family than gay people. The difficulty bi people can sometimes have finding acceptance from loved ones both gay and straight can be heartbreaking.
I like to play my queerness up in my music career as much as possible because I never had a bisexual man to look up to as a kid. However, I must admit there are still times in both my private and professional lives when I’m not sure how people will react so I downplay who I am out of fear and shame.

Lauren Tabak’s “Queer From Here” series for Country Queer will continue running on Mondays for the foreseeable future. For more information about Tabak, go here. For more information about Aaron Lee Tasjan, go here.